Sunday, February 26, 2012

Spotlight Sunday: Zach Cox

I haven't done a spotlight Sunday in a while, but I've been meaning to because I have a huge list of great artists' and musicians that I want to feature! 
So this week, my feature is focused on Zach Cox. I have been following his art and comics for about 5 years now. He's a twenty-something year old dude from Salem, Oregon. Although he does do individual illustrations, I find his comics the most appealing. I originally found him on DeviantART, but he has since moved over to Tumblr. 

Some places you can find him: 

Currently, he is running a comic called "Son of Sam." The main character's name is Walter and he absolutely hates his school. However, he's using this year to turn it around thanks to a girl named Avery. The story is about 5 chapters in, and I LOVE it! The characters are well thought out and quirky. And his art style is so unique! If you enjoy "lifestyle" type of comics, then this should be right up your alley! 

That wraps up this Spotlight Sunday! If you enjoy him, please tell me! :] 

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